7 Most Dangerous Marine Animals

Diposkan oleh vione on Saturday, December 3, 2011

Human one should not claim to be the supreme beings in all the land face of the earth. Butwhat about life under the sea? Masihkah humans can cope with and out of danger? If anyman could conquer it, the human remains must be vigilant because of the danger is alwayslurking.

Here is a partial list of dangerous underwater creatures LiveScience version that oftenbecomes a threat to other water creatures. And of course, dangerous threat to humans.

1. Sea eel
Strong bite of the sharp teeth of marine eels may result in serious injury are susceptible tobacterial infections of the mouth of these primitive animalsThis eel often hide in cracks andholes in the reef during the day and hunt for food at nightMarine experts advise divers tokeep the hands of suspicious cracks or holes to avoid attacksOne more thing, do not everfeed these animals if you do not want to be attacked by a flock.

2. sea ​​lion
Sea lions can be classified as a cute animal, easily trained, and many became stars insome zoos. Even so, these animals not infrequently also attack humans. In California, the U.S., some cases of sea lion attacks reportedly occurred on the coast of Manhattan,Newport, and San Francisco in 2006. Some local scientists say the sea lions behaviorunpredictable and can suddenly become aggressive.

3.Pari Fish
The name of this animal is so much world attention since the tragic death of biologists as well as host of "Crocodile HunterSteve Irwin in 2006Stingray tail shaped like a spear andcontain many toxins have poked him Steve and heart failure.

4. Salt Water Crocodile
Saltwater crocodile has a reputation as one of the most ferocious predators in the world.Animals that can grow to more than six feet and weighing 1,500 kilograms has a variety ofprey, including monkeyskangaroosbuffalo, sharks, and even humansBy using thepowerful forcesthe saltwater crocodile bite twirling prey in the water to immobilize and theneat it.

5. Lion fish
Being a favorite fish aquarium inhabitantslion fish is famous for its poisonous thorns.Although not very lethal in humansthe poison can cause headaches, vomiting, andrespiratory disordersAccording to some reports, these symptoms last for several weeks.

6. Sea serpent
The basic human fear of snakes put this species on the list of dangerous marine animals.But in fact this sea snake hidden life at sea and not too threatening human life.Nevertheless, this snake venom still be a frightening specterIn one bitesnake venom is able to paralyze prey and kill it in seconds.

7. puffer fish
Deadly poison called Tetrodotoxin (TTX) is contained in the fat-bodied fish. Toxins aremore powerful than cyanide resulted in difficulty in breathing in someone before resulting indeath. What is unique, a number of professional chefs in Japan, separating the meat ofpuffer fish can be consumed as a meal with high taste.

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