7 World Leaders Who Drop Out Of The school

Diposkan oleh vione on Saturday, December 3, 2011

You must already know the characters below. In fact they are of Successful Entrepreneurs,Inventors, Politicians, and it dropped out of school Top Artists before they were famous.Here are seven World Leaders Who Drop Out Of His school, namely:
1. Thomas A. Edison
Thomas Edison is probably the most famous and productive inventor of all time, with morethan 1,000 patents in his name, including the electric light bulb, phonograf, and filmcameras. He became a multi millionaire from homemade and won the Congressional Gold Medal. Edison started school late because of illness and, consequently, his mind oftenwandered, prompting one of his teachers called him "addled." He dropped out after onlythree months of formal education. Fortunately, his mother had been a school teacher in Canada and home-schooled young Edison

2. Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin had many professions: politician, diplomat, author, publisher, scientist,inventor, founder, and co-author and cosigner of the Declaration of Independence. One thing that he had not graduated from high school. Franklin was the fifteenth child and youngest son in the family. He spent two years at Boston Latin School before leaving at the age of ten years and worked for his father, and later his brother, such as printers

3. Bill Gates
Bill Gates is co-founder of software giant Microsoft and has been ranked the richest personin the world for several years. Gates dropped out of Harvard in the first year after reading an article about the Altair microcomputer in Popular Electronics magazine. He and his friendPaul Allen formed Micro Soft (later changed to Microsoft) to write software for the Altair.

Although he was included in Time magazine as "Man of the Century," Albert Einstein did notbecome "Einstein" at school physics Nobel Prize winner, known for his contributions to thetheory of relativity and quantum theory and statistical mechanics, a high school dropout at age 15. Deciding to continue his education a year later, Einstein took the entrance exam to the prestigious university of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, but failed. He returned to high school, get a diploma, and then pass the university entrance examination atthe second attempt.

5. John D. Rockefeller
Two months before graduating from high school, recorded history's first billionaire, John D.Rockefeller, Sr., decided to take a course at Folsom Mercantile College. He founded theStandard Oil Company in 1870, made ​​his billions before the company was disbanded by the government because of the monopoly, and spent 40 years donating his wealth, mainlyfor reasons related to health and education.

In 1918, while still in high school, the future Oscar-winning film producer and theme park pioneer Walt Disney began taking night courses at the Academy of Fine Arts in Chicago.Disney dropped out of high school at age 16 and joined the army, but because he was tooyoung to sign, he joined the Red Cross with a fake birth certificate instead. Disney sent toFrance where he drove an ambulance covered from top to bottom with a cartoon characterwho eventually became the movie. After becoming a multimillionaire founder of the WaltDisney Company and won the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Disney received honoraryhigh school diploma at age 58.

7. Kol. Sanders
Colonel Harland Sanders overcame a lack of education to become the biggest employer in the business of fried chicken. His father died when he was six years old, and because his mother worked, he was forced to cook for her family. After dropping out of primary school,Sanders worked many jobs, including firefighter, steamboat driver and insurance salesman.He later earned a law degree from a correspondence school. Sanders' cooking and business experience helped him make millions as the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken(now KFC).

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Anonymous said...

very nice job...

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